Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stimulus to Help Retool Education

From Arne Duncan (U.S. Sec. of Education): "D.C has had more money than God for a long time, but the outcomes are still disastrous, Duncan said in an interview with Washington Post editors and reporters. He said the unprecedented influx of cash, which will begin to flow in the next 30-45 days, would target states, local school systems and nonprofit organizations willing to adopt policies that have been proven to work."

Well what a novel idea - "proven policies that work." Now does he go on to define these proven policies that work? Of course not...

This money will probably go to education in one way or another, but in reading his ideas I am not sure it is going to be the most beneficial way, in the way it was supposed to be-to reduce the amount of teacher layoffs. In reading his "education reform ideas" it sounds as if Mr. Duncan has his own agenda and and it didn't seem to be about the teachers.

On a positive note he does mention libraries and that is good, but in the same breath he also questions why are school building that offer all this technology only open for 6 hours a day. Well because they are schools and we are teachers, and we are there to teach the children. If I had wanted to work nights and weekends I would have chosen to be a public librarian.


  1. And the former public librarian who had to work nights and EVERY Saturday for 2 years says LOL.

  2. Ha! I knew you would have something to say about that!
